Friday, March 30, 2018

Rep. Terry Canales and Sen. Jose Menendez STEP UP TO THE PLATE

     Since the healthcare nightmare--created during the 2017 Legislative Session--began impacting Texas public school teachers, custodians, secretaries, librarians, nurses, maintenance workers, classroom aides, cafeteria workers, administrators, and social workers, we have been waiting...and waiting...and waiting for a--just ONE--Texas legislator to step up to the plate to fight for us. 
     In my blog earlier this week, I wrote about one of the countless cases that have left retirees who dedicated our lives to serving the children of this state unable to pay for the healthcare we were promised throughout our careers and when we signed our retirement papers.  A book could be compiled of these cases, and it is only the end of March.
     Today, I received the best news I have heard since January 1.  Not one but TWO Texas legislators, Rep. Terry Canales and Sen. Jose Menendez, have STEPPED UP TO THE PLATE by formally asking Gov. Greg Abbott to call a Special Session to address our healthcare!

Rep. Terry Canales
Sen. Jose Menendez

  Here is Rep. Canales' letter:

     (I will post Sen. Menendez's letter as soon as I receive it.)
     I had not realized just how much the stories from public school retirees across the state had  affected me until I read Rep. Canales' letter.  The tears have not yet subsided.  FINALLY, two of our elected officials heard our pleas and made the decision to do something about it.
     I, and others, have asked how WE can help Rep. Canales and Sen. Menendez in their efforts to get Gov. Abbott to call a Special Session.  Stay tuned for our CALL TO ACTION.
     In the meantime, I don't have the words to express my sincere, heartfelt gratitude.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Dear Gov. Abbott, Lt. Gov. Patrick, and Texas Legislators…How Could You?

             Last week I was invited to serve as a judge for a local high school election.  One of the other judges is also a retired Texas teacher.  She worked in Texas public schools for 31 years.  Over lunch, she told me and the other two judges about her most recent healthcare nightmare, compliments of the Texas Legislature.
            She is living with diabetes and uses the Tresiba FlexTouch insulin pen.  Before the Texas Legislature created the healthcare nightmare for retired Texas public school teachers, bus drivers, custodians, librarians, nurses, classroom aides, administrators, maintenance workers, secretaries, and counselors during the 2017 Legislative Session, she paid $45 for this prescription for four boxes of pens.  After January 1, she went to the pharmacy to pick up her prescription.  The clerk, who knew her, struggled to get the words out of her mouth.  Finally, her voice cracking and her eyes doleful, she uttered, “It will be $1492.00”
            As one might imagine, this retired Texas teacher stood there, stunned.  Fourteen hundred and ninety-two dollars.  She could not afford it, so she left the pharmacy in tears. 
            She said she went home and could not stop crying.  She didn’t know what to do because she didn’t have an extra $1492.00 lying around, yet she knew she could not live without her insulin.  Completely distraught, she spent the remainder of the day sobbing.
            (For those who do not know the background--the Texas Legislature decided to increase our deductible from $400 to $1500 starting January 1, also forcing us to pay 100 percent of all healthcare and prescription costs out of pocket until the entire deductible is met.  (Married couples must pay $3000 out of pocket before one penny of theirs is covered.)  After reaching the 100-percent-out-of-pocket deductible, our new nightmare insurance pays 80/20.  The Texas Legislature did this while keeping all other state employees—AND retired legislators—on a plan through ERS (Employees Retirement System of Texas, the other state-controlled retirement system) with a $0 deductible for all healthcare, a $50 deductible for prescriptions, and a $0 monthly premium.)
            Now back to the story.  A few hours later, this retired teacher received a phone call from the clerk at the pharmacy.  She had made some calls and was somehow able to get the cost of the prescription reduced dramatically.  I couldn’t help but feel a great deal of admiration for this clerk, who obviously went above and beyond for her customer.  I also couldn’t help but feel embarrassed and disgusted that Texas public school employees have been forced by the Texas Legislature to resort to begging in order to receive the affordable healthcare we were promised throughout our careers and when we made the decision to retire.
            As I keep saying, what’s good for the educator is good for the legislator!
            Last week, I promised to provide you with information on how the pension of a retired Texas legislator is figured.  I will use myself for comparison:

ME:  I taught in Texas public schools for 29 years.  When I decided to retire, the Teacher Retirement System of Texas looked at my highest five salaries and took the average, which was just over $61,000. After 29 years of teaching, I would earn 66.7 percent of that average.
TEXAS LEGISLATOR:  According to Ballotpedia, Texas legislators earn $600 per month. They also earn a $190 per diem while in Austin or on official business.  After serving only eight years as a legislator, he/she can retire at the age of 60.  If he/she wishes to retire at age 50, only 12 years of service is required.  But wait!  The Texas legislators’ pension is not based on the salary they earn while serving.  Instead, it is based on the salary of a state district judge, which is $140,000.  And guess who determines the salary of a state district judge?  You guessed it, the Texas Legislature.  (Retired Texas public school employees—can you remember the last time we received a Cost-of-Living increase?  I’m sure you can’t.  However, September 1, 2013, the annual state salary of a district judge increased from $125,000 to $140,000.)
            Here is another comparison for you:
TRS Retiree:  If a TRS retiree wants to return to work in a Texas public school, he/she is not allowed to do so for 12 months after retirement.
ERS Retiree:  If an ERS retiree wants to return to work for a state agency, he/she only has to wait 90 days to do so.

            My fellow retired teacher’s story about the healthcare nightmare she is living is only one of countless stories across the state.  I have but one question this week for Gov. Abbott, Lt. Gov. Patrick, and all of the Texas senators and representatives who created this nightmare for all of us who dedicated our careers to the children in this state:  HOW COULD YOU?

Friday, March 16, 2018

Which Texas Legislator(s) Will Step Up to the Plate?

            As the returns from the Texas Primary Election came in Tuesday, March 6, I have to admit I felt defeated.  I had such hopes that public-education employees and retirees, and our supporters (including our students), would come out in overwhelming numbers, using our votes as our voices to speak out against the disgraceful lack of school funding and the shameful healthcare nightmare Texas public education retirees are living.  It is a nightmare created by Gov. Greg Abbott, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, most members of the Texas Senate, and some members of the Texas House.
            However, Wednesday morning, I awakened with an entirely new outlook.  After all, I didn’t know Scott Milder, Dan Patrick’s Primary opponent, until recently.  But as I read about his credentials—a bachelor’s in journalism and radio/TV/film and a master’s in public relations, a former school district public information officer, a former reporter/photographer, a former Rockwall City Council member, a senior associate for Stantec Architecture, and, along with his wife, a small business owner and founder of Friends of Texas Public Schools—I knew he was exactly what the Texas Legislature needed.  As I looked at the Primary results with fresh eyes, I realized it was an incredible feat for Milder to garner 24 percent of the vote.  Three-hundred-sixty-seven thousand, nine-hundred-fifty-four people voted for Milder.  That’s 367,954 Texans who voted in the Republican Primary who did not want Patrick back.  I sincerely believe our hopes for the 2019 Legislative Session can be realized if we remain relentless between now and November’s General Election when Patrick faces a Milder-endorsed Democrat, Mike Collier.
            I attended the final day of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS) three-day session at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley February 16.  Although I had no intention of doing so when I arrived, I testified at the start of the public hearing that day.  While there, I also picked up TRS: A Great Value for All Texans, a booklet published by TRS in February of 2017.  After seeing the chart on page nine, I filed a Public Information Request with TRS, seeking a breakdown of average pensions for school custodians, secretaries, bus drivers, cafeteria workers, and maintenance workers, who are also covered under TRS. 
            I searched the Employees Retirement System of Texas (ERS), the state’s retirement system for all state employees not working in our public schools and for retired legislators, to locate a benefit distribution chart for these employees.  When I couldn’t find one, I filed a PIR with ERS February 23, asking for a chart like the one on page nine in the TRS booklet that lists monthly pensions and the percentage of ERS retirees who receive each amount.  I also asked for a similar chart specifically for Texas legislators who receive ERS pensions.  Twelve business days later, March 13, I received this response from ERS:

            So, while we know that 32 percent of TRS retirees—the highest percentage on the page-nine chart—earn a pension of only $1 to $1,000 each month, there is no chart available to the public with the percentage of ERS members who earn this paltry amount?  How in the world does this constitute “confidential information” when I did not ask for names of the individuals receiving these pensions?
            Do you know what the annual salary for Texas legislators is?  Do you know how their ERS pension is calculated?  If not, you will when you read my column next week.  You will learn that the outrageous discrepancies between the legislators’ healthcare premiums and deductibles and ours aren’t the only injustices.  Wait until you hear how the state arrives at the pension for members of our “elected class” who retire under ERS.

            In the meantime, these are my questions for this week:

1.  Which Texas Legislator(s) will step up to the plate to demand a fix to the TRS healthcare nightmare?
2.  Which Texas Legislator(s) will fight for an in-depth study BEFORE the 2019 Legislative Session on how ERS and TRS can be merged or, at the very least, how both systems under the control of the Texas Legislature can offer the same level of benefits?
3.  Which Texas Legislator(s) will ask why ERS does not provide a benefit distribution chart to the public and how they can claim this is “confidential member information”?
4.  Which Texas Legislator(s) will collect all of the stories of what TRS members are enduring as a result of the 2017 Legislative Session into a book for Gov. Abbott, Lt. Gov. Patrick, and all members of the House and Senate?
5.  Which Texas Legislator(s) will lead the charge to end our nightmare?

Friday, March 2, 2018

Disgraceful! TRS Healthcare, Pensions, and a PIR

     February 10, I filed a Public Information Request with the Teachers Retirement System of Texas after seeing their “2016 Benefit Distribution” chart in TRS: A Great Value for All Texans, published in February of last year and made available at the TRS Board meeting held at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley last month.  (Although I could go on for hours about the title of this booklet, I won’t.)  Every time I look at that chart, my emotions run the gamut, from sadness to disbelief to frustration to outrage.  How could Gov. Greg Abbott, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, most members of the Texas Senate, and several members of the Texas House create a healthcare nightmare for retired public school employees across the state when 32 percent of those employees earn a pension of just $1 - $1000 per month after years of service to public school students in our state?
            I attended the final day of the TRS Board’s meeting in Edinburg and testified during the public-comment period that day.  Following my testimony, Dr. Greg Gibson, Superintendent of Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City ISD and a member of the TRS Board asked Brian Guthrie, TRS executive director, for the average monthly pension for a TRS retiree, to which Guthrie responded, “$2,046.”  But when I read the chart in that booklet, I couldn’t imagine how much my friends and former coworkers who, prior to retiring, held positions paying less than a teacher’s salary must be making now, in retirement.
            I wanted to see a breakdown, by profession, so in my PIR, I asked for the average monthly pension for our retired school custodians, secretaries, bus drivers, cafeteria workers, and maintenance workers. 
            Tuesday, February 27, I received TRS’ response to my PIR.  The release letter from Dan Junell, assistant general counsel, reads, “…After undertaking a good faith effort to relate portions of your request to information that is maintained by TRS, please note that, according to the System's Information Technology Division and Benefit Disbursement Department, TRS does not capture the position the retiree held at the time of retirement and does not maintain discrete employment data for most of the support or administrative positions you asked about. TRS can provide you the following information. The average standard annuity (including any applicable legislative raises) for members reported to TRS as having been employed as bus drivers alone was $367.70 per month for the period August 31, 2016 through September 1, 2017…” (bolding mine)
            I don’t know how our retired bus drivers survive on $367.70 per month, let alone how they could even begin to afford their healthcare after January 1 when the 2017 Texas Legislature’s TRS nightmare went into effect.  Something else crossed my mind.  Why DOESN’T TRS “capture the position the retiree held at the time of retirement”?  Have members of the Texas Legislature never asked this question?  What does the overall average matter when you have a subgroup earning $367.70 per month and others perhaps making even less?
            Keep in mind that, according to the Texas Retired Teachers’ Association, 95 percent of TRS members do not pay into Social Security, and this is not by choice.  Most Texas school districts do not allow public school employees to do so.  And those of us who have worked jobs outside of teaching to earn extra money, although we must pay Social Security the same as anyone else, we are unable to receive most of that money back due to two federal laws—the Windfall Elimination Provision and the Government Pension Offset.  We are forced to pay at the same rate as others, but because we receive a pension, we cannot get our full SS benefits in retirement.  Thus, according to TRTA data, for most TRS retirees, the monthly pension is their only source of income in retirement.
            In the response to my PIR, I also received an Average Monthly Benefits graph.  That graph indicates that the average TRS retiree earned a monthly pension of $2,077 in 1999 and of $2244 in 2017.  (I do realize this contradicts Guthrie’s response to Dr. Gibson’s question at the hearing, but this is what the graph shows.)  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, prices in 2017 were 46.9 percent higher than prices in 1999.  Meanwhile, in Texas, public school retirees have seen an 8 percent increase in their pensions in that same period of time.
            Abbott paid a visit to the Rio Grande Valley this week.  The Monitor, the Upper Valley’s daily newspaper, reported on his visit.  “…He also advocated for raises to teachers’ salaries and assured the teachers in the room that the state would fully fund the teacher healthcare plan.  'The time has come to pay our teachers more, to pay them the salary they deserve to teach our kids,' he said…”
            Now he says this?  Now, after under his “leadership,” the 2017 Texas Legislature increased the deductible for TRS retirees from $400 to $1500, with the plan not paying a cent of our healthcare or prescription coverage (except a list of standard generic drugs) until we pay the entire $1500 out of pocket?  And for married couples covered on TRS healthcare, they must pay $3000 out of pocket before a single penny is paid.  This is what Abbott, Patrick, and several members of the Texas Legislature did to retired school bus drivers earning an average of $367.70 per month, to secretaries, to custodians, to teachers, to nurses, to maintenance workers, to librarians, to cafeteria workers, to classroom aides, to administrators, and to all other retired public school employees who spent our careers serving the children of this state believing in the delayed benefit of affordable healthcare.
            And don’t forget---they did this while keeping retired legislators and all other retired state employees on a plan with NO DEDUCTIBLE for healthcare, NO MONTHLY PREMIUM, and a $50 prescription deductible.  And those retired legislators, the “elected class,” get this far-superior healthcare after serving our state for just eight years if retiring at age 60 and just 12 years if retiring at age 50.  They are covered under the state’s other pension system, the Employees Retirement System of Texas or ERs.
            The words of Scott Milder, a Republican challenger for Patrick’s lieutenant-governor seat, in a forum at Grayson College yesterday, is music to my ears:  The first thing I’m gonna do when I get into office is I’m gonna make a move to transfer all legislator insurance from ERS over to TRS.  Yeah, and we’ll see if maybe that might provide some PERSONAL incentive to take care of our teachers and to do what’s right for all educators in the state of Texas.
            If you haven’t voted yet, please join us and vote for public education and public education employees Election Day, Tuesday, March 6. 
            As I keep saying, “What’s good for the educator is good for the legislator.”

Chris Ardis retired in May of 2013 following a 29-year teaching career. She now helps companies with business communications and social media and works as a sales coordinator for Tony Roma's and Macaroni Grill. Chris can be reached at (Photo by Linda Blackwell, McAllen)

Average Monthly Benefits Chart Provided through My PIR

Comparison of Teacher Retirement System (TRS CARE) and Employee Retirement System of Texas (ERS) Health Benefits of Texas SM 1  Monthly and Annual Premiums
Created by Dr. Lloyd Goldsmith, professor in the Doctorate in Educational Leadership program at Abilene Christian University in Dallas.
(Remember that these differences in insurance premiums between the retired elected class' insurance and TRS members' insurance  is only one part of the our healthcare nightmare.)

Watch the Lt. Governor and Senate Seat 30 Texas Candidate Forum March 1, 2018, at Grayson college by clicking here.  Hear Scott Milder's response that I quoted above beginning at 53:50.