Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Active and Retired Texas Public-School Employees - This is OUR DAY, our CHANCE! WE CAN DO THIS!

            For all of our fellow active and retired public school employees who have suffered throughout this year due to the TRS healthcare nightmare created during the 2017 Legislative Session…this is OUR day!
            For all retired public school teachers, bus drivers, secretaries, sign-language interpreters, nurses, custodians, librarians, cafeteria workers, police officers, maintenance workers, classroom aides, social workers, counselors, and administrators who retired after September 1, 2004, and have NEVER received a COLA (cost-of-living adjustment)…this is OUR DAY!
            For public school students and employees across our state who have had to make due with less and less from our state because of Texas' school-funding conundrum…this is OUR DAY!
            For everyone in Texas who is tired of seeing our property taxes increase while the state’s share of school funding continues to decrease…this is OUR DAY!
            OUR DAY begins with MIKE COLLIER as our new lieutenant governor, and 1.5 MILLION TRS MEMBERS (along with our family members, former or current students, friends, and community members) CAN make this happen.

            OUR DAY continues with the election of “FRIENDLY-to-public-ed” state representatives, senators, and State Board of Education members being elected!
            OUR DAY requires us to know where to vote  and to remind each of us that…

and that we deserve

            OUR DAY is POSSIBLE, but it requires that each one of us GETS OUT TO VOTE and GETS OUT THE VOTE!
            This is OUR DAY! 

Chris Ardis retired in May of 2013 following a 29-year teaching career. She now helps companies with business communications and social media and works as a sales coordinator for Tony Roma's and Macaroni Grill. Chris can be reached at cardis1022@aol.com. (Chris' photo by Linda Blackwell, McAllen)

1 comment:

  1. Well Abbott and Patrick are still running the show so we'll never have affordable health care.Maybe Patrick will go back on TV and paint his face blue like he did when he was a sportsports caster on channel 11 news cast in houston.
